Explore More
at Jeff Davis County Library
Jeff Davis County Library is a vibrant place to gather, connect, learn, and thrive.

Staff and volunteers offer a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment, treating all patrons and visitors with respect and human dignity while inspiring them to explore more. We provide free access to a diverse collection of print, audio, video, and digital resources. We preserve and promote the unique history, environment, and culture of Jeff Davis County.
Through thoughtful and creative programs, services, and collaborative partnerships, we strive to meet the literacy, technology, cultural, and lifelong learning needs and interests of our community.
It takes a community to sustain an amazing library!

If you value the collection, resources, and programs available through the library, please consider sharing your time, talent, and treasure with us. Together, we make the library an amazing community resource!

Be a friend
To become a Friend of the Library, renew your membership, or make a donation to the Friends, click the button below or stop by the library.
We are so much more than books!
Print, scan, copy, fax, and laminating services
Audiobooks, DVDs, and e-books
Free wi-fi available 24/7
Public desktop computers and Chromebooks
Virtual Connection Room for private virtual or small,
in-person meetings/appointments
Southwest Collection local history and culture resources
Secondhand Prose donation-based book store
Library of Things available for checkout:
reel mower, slow cooker, clothing steamer, professional food dehydrator, chafing dish, Blu-Ray player, region-free DVD player, and more!
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and more!
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